onsdag 11 mars 2009

Let's make a revolution

Making a revolution is frequently a good idea - as long as you don't kill anybody to achieve it.
But the revolution I have in mind right now is of the language, or languages. This one is in English, but I may well promote a Swedish one later.

Why do we bother ourselves with all this useless grammar when we can do very well without it? For example in Mandarin Chinese the grammar is almost non-existent. And they have flourished for 5000 years!

Take verbs, for instance, and the funny, irregular things we do to them. When it could be so much easier:

"The queen goed out for a walk with her maid servant. She beed in a very good mood, since the sun shined and she haved just received a letter from her lover. 'You be the light of my life', he writed. 'And last night when I seed you with that creep the so called king I becomed so mad I goed straight home and haved a few drinks.'
And the queen telled her maid servant: 'Oh he really do love me. When we meeted yesterday he holded me tight and kissed me. But if my creepy husband the so called king finded out about this I willed be in great trouble.'
And the faithful maid servant tryed to console her mistress and sayed: 'Don't worry, my queen. I have news from inside the guard. The king have beed shooted already.'
And the queen rejoiced and taked her maid servant in her arms to celebrate the happy news."

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