lördag 10 oktober 2009

The Nobel Stupidity Prize

...goes to the Nobel peace prize committee.
Awarding President Obama the peace prize is a big mistake.
I am a big supporter of Barack Obama's and I certainly hope that he, in time, will accomplish enough to earn a Nobel peace prize. But to give it to him now, less than a year after his inauguration, is just bloody stupid.
True, he has told us of his ambitions, and they are very good. But so far, he hasn't done anything.
He hasn't yet withdrawn the American troops from Iraq.
He hasn't yet closed down the Guantanamo prison camp.
He hasn't yet forced through the health insurance reform for the American people.
He has vowed to expand the American military presence in Afghanistan, which is, at least, questionable.
To hand him a prize of such dignity as the Nobel peace prize is way too early.
It may even hamper him, and we don't want that.
In short, the Nobel peace prize committee has made a big fool of itself. Who is going to take this prize serious anymore?
It's a shame.

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