fredag 30 januari 2009

Gilad Atzmon gives us hope

Today I will not do the writing on this blog myself.
I will leave it to a man who does it better than I do: Gilad Atzmon, Israeli saxophone player and, as he calls himself, "a proud self-hating Jew".
He speaks of the situation in the Middle East - the current situation with the rapture of Gaza as well as in the long term. I will forward a few quotes from him:

"I think Jewish ideology is driving our planet into a catastrophe and we must stop."

"The Nazis were indeed evil. They did things that were disastrously inhuman and unacceptable. But ... in fact Jewish ideology and Nazi ideology were very similar."

"It is perplexing - you would expect that after what the Jewish people had gone through ... they would start a new page where they would be very reflective and very, very careful.
Not only was this not the case, but three years after the liberation of Auschwitz they were ethnically cleansing the population from Palestine."

"They're threatening the entire region with their idiotic nuclear bombs. They're throwing their white phosphorus on civilians."

"To drive with tanks over innocent people, to see their houses demolished. To see babies cling for days to their dead mothers because Israeli armed forces don't allow the UN to come and rescue them, and these were the people who were meant to be the guards of humanity? No. They definitely maintained evil."

"The rockets [from Gaza into Israel] are almost a peaceful message to the Israelis telling them: 'In case you don't realise it yet, you are living on my stolen land'."

"If the Jewish people were clever ... they would make sure that Gaza and the West Bank were flourishing. But not only did they not do that - they starved them!"

And since Mr Atzmon is well aware of the danger in speaking out, he cautions:
"I don't feel suicidal and if you hear I fell off a cliff you know who did it."

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